Thursday, November 23, 2006


This isn't technically my Thanksgiving, but I didn't write on mine, so I'm going to borrowing the US holiday. Also, I have a few posts to make up - yesterday just didn't happen because of travel and getting ready for travel, and the day before didn't happen because of packing and exhaustion which caused me to collapse into bed and fall asleep well before I planned. But no matter.

It's been a long few weeks and, after my first long night of good sleep in a long while, there's a lot that I feel thankful for (even above and beyond the aforementioned long night of good sleep.)

I'm thankful I have someone wonderful in my life who loves me (and sometimes tolerates me) and makes me laugh and takes care of me and understands me. I'm thankful I have a generous, loving family who are always there when I need them. I'm thankful I have great friends who support and listen to me and help me out as much as they possibly can, and I'm grateful that I can do the same for them. I'm thankful that I've chosen a job that I enjoy, despite some of the hiccups, and that I really get to do what I've always wanted to do with my life. I'm thankful that my needs are met - I have a nice apartment that's (relatively) warm, food in my fridge, a cosy bed to sleep in, easy public transit, and everything else I need to be healthy and happy. Most of all, I'm grateful that I'm healthy and happy, probably due in no small part to all of these other things.

I hope everyone out there has at least something that they are thankful for this Thanksgiving, and that at least something in their world is going right.

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